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Smoke & Soot Removal in Buffalo

Smoke & fire damage restoration in Buffalo, ny

A house fire is something every homeowner knows can happen, but nobody thinks it will happen to them. What’s perhaps even more surprising is the fact that dousing the flames is just the first step in a lengthy restoration process, as the lingering smoke, soot, and odors can be just as destructive as the fire itself, due to their corrosive nature. Soot can cause stains, etched glass, tarnished metal, and the burned materials found in furniture and flooring can create a chain chemical reaction that can go from restorable to unsalvageable in just a few days. Because of this, it's imperative to hire professionals to do the soot and smoke damage removal for you, as experts like our team at ServiceMaster Restoration Services - Buffalo specialize in residential disasters restoration services, including smoke and soot removal services in Buffalo.

Our 5-Step Fire, Smoke, & Soot Restoration Process

Learning the distinctions between fire, smoke, and soot will help you understand how our team approaches our disaster cleanup services. Fire is easy to understand, but smoke and soot are not interchangeable terms – they are different aspects of a fire. Smoke is a solid, liquid, gaseous products of the combustion released into the air, whereas soot is a fine, black powdery material primarily made of carbon produced by the incomplete combustion of fuel.

Once our team arrives on the scene, we use the following steps of fire damage repair to restore your home to its pre-loss condition as best we can:

  1. Emergency pre-cleaning
  2. Content cleaning
  3. Content pack-out
  4. Wall and ceiling cleaning
  5. Deodorization

What to Do & What Not to Do After a House Fire

Make sure the first thing you do once a fire ignites is to call 9-1-1 for immediate on-site firefighter response. In the meantime, avoid touching anything with your bare hands, as the oil transferred can cause additional damage. Don’t attempt to clean carpets, upholstered furniture, and resist the urge to wash walls, as it can compound soot residue. Your best bet? Call in our fire restoration company in Buffalo as soon as possible. Every moment counts when it comes to smoke and soot mitigation.

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